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  1. February 5, 2014 by cprossc

  2. Friendship bracelets.

    January 21, 2014 by cprossc

    Follow  these instructions to make a fabulous friendship bracelet.

    step 1 Make a list of  six different people oho care about you.

    step 2 Choose a different colour thread,yarm or wool for each person on your list(all the same length.

    step 3 tie all the threads or wool together at one end.

    step 4 tape the knotted end to a table.

    step 5 twist or plait the threads together to make a pattern.

    step 6 tie a not in the end ask someone to help you tie the bracelet around your wrist I will put a picture when im  done


  3. January 7, 2014 by cprossc

    today we went on future me

  4. January 5, 2014 by cprossc

  5. What i did yesterday

    January 4, 2014 by cprossc

    Yesterday I went ice skating I was faster than my Mum Erin and Callum and Ashleigh it was fun I went round 38 times but I fell 3 times but I was ok.Today I went swimming it was fun my Mum Erin and Callum came with me.

  6. January 4, 2014 by cprossc

  7. January 4, 2014 by cprossc

  8. January 4, 2014 by cprossc

  9. What I got for Christmas

    January 4, 2014 by cprossc

    For Christmas I got Pig Goes Pop and a Super Board Game and Disney Infinity I got Woody Buzz Jessie and Sully and Captin  Jack for Disney Infinity.  I also got don,t  buzz the wire domino shuttle and cut the rope and Angry Birds. I also got  a Stunt Scooter 4 in a Row Roller Blades and New Shoes and a Milk Shake Maker and a build a Mater Toy and Lightning McQueen Toy.

  10. December 12, 2013 by cprossc

    IMG_1133this is my hamster

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